Guillaume Soto-Mayor is an expert on West and Central Africa, with a strong knowledge of East and North Africa as well as key regional thematic issues, including political violence, security, peace, migration, and governance.
With more than nine years’ experience in the international security sector and field research capacity (Africa, Europe), combining work as a senior manager with a specialty in intelligence acquisition and analysis, he has conducted high-level policy advice and operational support at the local, governmental, and inter-governmental levels (European Union, United Nations Security Council). Guillaume Soto-Mayor has led in-depth field research on criminal and terrorist networks in West, Central, East, and North Africa.
Prior to joining MEI as a non-resident scholar, Guillaume Soto-Mayor was a program manager for Altai Consulting's West Africa & the Sahel office, where he advised international organizations on programs and internal strategies related to migration, biodiversity, and security and stability issues. He is a former research engineer of the Security and Defense research team (SDRTI3C) at CNAM Paris and is now an associated expert with SDRTI3C. He is also a senior fellow at Timbuktu Institute in Senegal and a lecturer at several universities teaching master's level courses.
Guillaume Soto-Mayor is the author of several reports and articles published in foreign policy and academic journals, as well as newspapers in both French and English. He graduated with high distinction from the University of Oxford and Sciences Po Strasbourg.
Major Publications
- https://legrandcontinent.eu/fr/2022/05/27/djihadistes-en-afrique-des-hors-la-loi-sans-religion/
- https://mondafrique.com/trafics-au-sahel-2-les-narco-djihadistes-nexistent-pas/
- https://mondafrique.com/trafics-et-trafiquants-au-sahel-1-60-ans-pour-conquerir-le-pouvoir/
- https://africacenter.org/fr/security-article/trafics-et-trafiquants-elements-structurants-des-societes-saheliennes/
- https://www.ispionline.it/en/pubblicazione/strategic-missteps-learning-failed-eu-sahel-strategy-28130
- https://www.institutmontaigne.org/en/analysis/sahels-security-crisis-fragile-imbalance
Contact Information
Please contact media@mei.edu or call 202-785-1141 ext. 241 for assistance contacting this expert.