Dr. Heru Susetyo is an assistant professor at Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta - Indonesia and also Chairman o the Center for Islam and Islamic Law at Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia (since 2015). His interests are in Islamic Law, human rights law, criminology-victimology and law and social work. He earned an LLB from from Universitas Indonesia (1996) and MSW and LLM degrees from Northwestern Law School (2003), and a PhD in Human Rights and Peace Studies from Mahidol University, Thailand (2014). Currently, he is conducting research to obtain PhD in victimology at INTERVICT, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Dr. Susetyo has written numerous articles in various newspapers, magazines and online media and also published several journals and books related to zakat affairs, human rights, victimology, terrorism, social work and international criminal law. He is also Editor in Chief of Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan (Journal of Law and Development) (since 2018) and Editor in Chief of Journal of Islam and Islamic Law Studies (since 2007). His blog is http://herususetyo.com
Contact Information
Email: hsusetyo@ui.ac.id
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