Dr. Huong Ha is a Senior Lecturer at UON Singapore and University of Newcastle, Australia. She holds a PhD from Monash University, Australia, a certificate of professional development issued by University of Oxford, Department of Continuing Education, The Oxford Teachers’ Academy, and Oxford University Press and a Master’s degree from LKY School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. She is one of the moderators of the IMF e-library forum on energy policy. Her previous positions, prior to joining UON Singapore, include Dean, Director of Research and Development, Deputy Course Director, Chief Editor, Executive Director, Business Development manager, etc. She has many years’ experience in industry, marketing research, higher education and research in management related areas, such as change management, consumer protection, corporate social responsibility and governance. She has teaching public and private sector professionals, as well as high-ranking government officials in Vietnam and Singapore. She has authored a number of books, and among them is a book entitled Change Management for Sustainability published by Business Expert Press (USA). She has been an invited member of (i) the international editorial boards of many international journals; (ii) the scientific/technical committees of several international conferences; and (iii) international advisory board of many professional associations.
Contact Information
Email: huong.ha@newcastle.edu.au
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