Megan Ferrando is a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute. Her areas of expertise include climate and environmental security, the impact of the climate crisis on vulnerable groups, and the role and responsibilities of the European Union regarding these topics. Megan is currently based in Jordan working for a humanitarian NGO's Syria mission.
Previously, Megan worked on sustainable water management projects with NGO WeWorld-GVC in Lebanon. Megan was also a Clara Marina O’Donnell fellow with the London-based think-tank Centre for European Reform (CER), where she conducted research on the links between water scarcity and instability in the Maghreb. Before this, Megan held various positions with humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding NGOs in Brussels, Belgium working on human security issues.
Megan holds an M.A. in EU International Relations and Diplomacy from the College of Europe (Belgium), an M.Sc. in Conflict Resolution and Governance from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), and a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences from University College Maastricht (Netherlands).
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