Timothy Lehmann is an independent scholar and Faculty Director for National Security and Homeland Security & Emergency Management at Excelsior College. Lehmann received his PhD in political science from Ohio State University and specializes in international relations, particularly international political economy, strategic studies and American foreign policy. His research focuses on the intersection of energy, political economy and strategic studies, particularly how energy influences great power grand strategy. His publications include articles and book chapters on energy’s role in American hegemony, the failure of the League of Nations, US-British-Japanese interwar relations, and contemporary US-China energy relations. His work has appeared in Extractive Industries and Society, Security Studies, Global War Studies and the New Left Review, as well as edited volumes on the financial crisis, the Iraq war and the state of American Hegemony. He edited The Geopolitics of Global Energy: The New Cost of Plenty (2017), adding one chapter defining the role of Middle Eastern oil in the American hegemonic system.
Contact Information
Email: tlehmann@excelsior.edu ; tedlehmann14@gmail.com
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