Yousef Munayyer is a former non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute. His focus is on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, U.S. policy toward Israel and Palestine, and regional dynamics that are affected by, or impact, them. Munayyer directs the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights and is a contributing policy analyst for the Arab Center, Washington, D.C. Previously he directed the Jerusalem Fund and Palestine Center, a DC-based center focused on Palestine policy. His writings have been widely published in major print and online news outlets and he has regularly been asked to comment in radio and television appearances in the United States and internationally.
Bachelor's from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Master's and Ph.D. from the University of Maryland-College Park
Countries/Regions of Expertise:
Israel, Palestine
Issues of Expertise:
US Foreign Policy on Israel/Palestine, Israeli and Palestinian foreign and domestic politics, Palestinian citizens of Israel
English, Arabic
Contact Information
Email: ymunayyer@mei.edu
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Twitter Handle: @yousefmunayyer