Evelyn S. Devadason is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Malaya in 2006. Her research focuses on international trade, with specific focus on production networks, trade–labor linkages, trade-environment issues, and regional integration issues. Her research work has seen print in international journals (indexed in SSCI and ASCI) such as the World Development, The China Review, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Journal of Contemporary China, Asian Economic Journal, Global Economic Review and Asia Pacific Education Review. She has also been engaged in a number of international collaborative research projects, including the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions-Asian and Pacific Regional Organization (ICFTU-APRO, Singapore), Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI, Japan), the Asian Development Bank (ADB, Manila) and more recently, the World Bank (WB, Washington DC).
Web Page: http://umexpert.um.edu.my/papar_cv.php?id=AAAJxnAAQAAAF92AAV
Contact Information
Email: evelyns@um.edu.my
Phone: 603-79673726
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