Ruba Husari is an expert and analyst on Middle East energy issues with a special focus on Iraq and Iran. She is currently the managing director of OZME Consultants, which she founded in 2009, offering advisory and consulting on Iraq’s oil and gas sector out of Baghdad. She wrote extensively on Iraq’s energy sector in industry publications and on IraqOilForum.com. Her interests focus on IOC-NOC relations, fiscal terms, oil markets and OPEC, governance, and the geopolitics of oil.
Husari started her career as a journalist in Jerusalem where she spent 10 years reporting on Israel-Palestine for Al Hayat newspaper and the BBC, then as Middle East correspondent for Energy Intelligence Group in London, writing about oil and gas in the Gulf and the Levant for Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, Energy Compass and International Oil Daily, before moving to Dubai in 2005 as Middle East bureau chief in charge of Middle East coverage for Energy Intelligence Group publications. She’s a frequent speaker in conferences on Middle East energy and particularly on Iraq’s energy and regional politics.
MSc International Relations, London School of Economics, UK
Countries of Expertise
Iraq, Iran, GCC
Issues of Expertise
Energy, OPEC, Geopolitics
English, French, Arabic
Contact Information
Please contact media@mei.edu or call 202-785-1141 ext. 241 for assistance contacting this expert.
Twitter Handle: @IraqOilForum